Source code for fimdp.core

Core module defining basic data structures and classes of the FiMDP package.

It defines the class for representation of Consumption Decision Processes,
the interface for strategies (including exceptions), and Counter-strategies
(and the needed building blocks). Further, it provides support for ConsMDPs
that represent a product with some input ConsMDP and some other component
(explicit energy, automaton, ...).

## Consumption Markov Decision Processes (CMDPs)

See our [CAV paper] for the theoretical backgrounds.

The classes needed for representation of (CMDPs) are:
 * `ConsMDP`: represent an CMDP object
 * `ActionData`: represent actions of CMDPs

The `ProductConsMDP` are ConsMDPs with states fromed by 2 components.

## Interface for strategies

A `strategy` should offer `strategy.next_action()` that picks an action based
on history, and the function `strategy.update_state(outcome)` which tells the
strategy that the last action was resolved to the state outcome — which
becomes the new current state. Each call to `next_action()` should be
followed by a call to `update_state` and vice versa. Both functions raise
`WrongCallOrderError` if the calls do not alternate.

To simplify code, `strategy.next_action(outcome)` is a shorthand for

>>> strategy.update_state(outcome)
>>> strategy.next_action()

The function `update_state(outcome)` raises a `ValueError` if `outcome` is
not a valid successor for the last action returned by `next_action()`. Based
on the `outcome`, the strategy can update its memory.

The strategy can be used in a new play using `strategy.reset()` which allows
new initialization of initial state and memory.

The class `Strategy` implements the basic interface for strategies, but it
neither updates any memory nor picks actions. Its subclasses should override
the function `._next_action()` and (when using memory) also `._update(outcome)`.

## Counter-strategies

The main ingredient of a counter strategy is a *counter selector*. A counter
selector is a mapping from states to *selection rules*. A selection rule
selects actions based on given energy level. See, again, out [CAV paper] for

The classes `CounterStrategy`, `CounterSelector`, and `SelectionRule` implement
the respective objects as described in the paper.

`ProductSelector` and `ProductSelectorWrapper` are two selectors that can be
used to hide the product construction from the user and maps actions and
states of a ProductConsMDP into states and actions of the original ConsMDP.

[CAV paper]:
import random

from .distribution import is_distribution

[docs]class ConsMDP: """ Represent Markov Decision Process with consumption on actions. States are represented by integers and actions are represented by `ActionData` objects. To add an action, use `add_action`. To iterate over actions of a state `s` use `actions_for_state(s)`. If you wish to remove actions during the iteration, use `out_iteraser(s)` instead. There is also `remove_action` which requires an action id. See implementation details for further info. States can have names using the list `names`. Reload states are stored in the set `reload_states`. Important ========= Functions that change the structure of the consMDP should always call `self.structure_change()`. Implementation details ====================== The action objects are stored in a sparse-matrix fashion using two vectors: `succ` and `actions`. The latter is just a list of `ActionData` objects stored in the order in which the actions were created. Using the `ActionData.next_succ` the actions form a linked-list of actions for each state (that is how `actions_for_state(s)` work internally). The vector `succ` serves to locate the first action in this linked-list for given state (`actions[succ[s]]` hold the first action of `s`). Do not modify the two vectors directly. Always use `ConsMDP.add_action` to add and `ConsMDP.remove_action` or `ConsMDP.out_iteraser(s)` to remove actions. Parameters ========== layout: str or None (default) one of the Graphviz engines to compute graph layouts ("dot", "neato", "twopi", "circo"). The engine "dot" is used if `layout` is not specified. The layout can be later changed using the attribute `ConsMDP.dot_layout`. """ def __init__(self, layout=None): = None self.succ = [] self.actions = [0] self.names = [] self.names_dict = dict() self.reloads = [] self.num_states = 0 self.dot_layout = layout
[docs] def structure_change(self): pass
[docs] def state_with_name(self, name): '''Return id of state with name `name` or `None` if not exists.''' return self.names_dict.get(name)
[docs] def new_state(self, reload=False, name=None): """Add a new state into the CMDP. Returns: the id of the created state Raise `ValueError` if a state with the same name already exists. """ self.structure_change() # check for existing name if name is not None: s = self.state_with_name(name) if s is not None: raise ValueError("State with name \"{}\" already exists (id={})". format(name, s)) sid = self.num_states self.succ.append(0) self.reloads.append(reload) self.names.append(name) if name is not None: self.names_dict[name] = sid self.num_states+=1 return sid
[docs] def new_states(self, count, names=None): #TODO add reload list """Create multiple (`count`) states. The list names must have length `count` if supplied. These will be the names for the states. Return the list of states ids. Raise `ValueError` if a state with the same name already exists. """ if names is not None: if count != len(names): raise ValueError("Length of names must be equal to count.") self.structure_change() start = self.num_states for i in range(count): name = None if names is None else names[i] self.new_state(name=name) return range(start, start+count)
[docs] def set_reload(self, s, reload=True): """ Set reload status of given state(s). If `s` is a list, set all of them as reloading states. By setting `reload=False`, the states will be removed from reloading staes. """ self.structure_change() if isinstance(s, int): s = [s] for state in s: self.reloads[state] = reload
[docs] def is_reload(self, sid): """Return the reload status of state `sid`.""" return self.reloads[sid]
[docs] def add_action(self, src, distribution, label, consumption = 0): """Add action to consMDP. Returns: index of the new action in the `actions` list. Raises: * `ValueError` if attempt to use non-existent state * `ValueError` if src-label->... exists already. """ # Check that src exists if src >= self.num_states: raise ValueError(f"State {src} given as src does not exists.") # Check that all destinations exist for k in distribution.keys(): if k >= self.num_states: raise ValueError(f"State {k} does not exists.") # check for determinism on action labels # raise ValueError if nondeterminsm would occur for a in self.actions_for_state(src): if a.label == label: raise ValueError( "State {} already has an action with label {}".format(src, label)) aid = len(self.actions) adata = ActionData(src, consumption, distribution, label, 0) self.structure_change() # Update the lists accordingly: # * `next_succ` of last action for src if any, or # * `succ[src]` if it's first action for src a = self.actions_for_state(src).get_last() if a is None: self.succ[src] = aid else: a.next_succ = aid self.actions.append(adata) return aid
[docs] def remove_action(self, aid): """Remove action based on its id.""" # TODO add checks if aid <= 0 or aid >= len(self.actions): raise ValueError(f"The supplied aid {aid} is not a valid action id.") if self.actions[aid].next_succ == aid: raise ValueError(f"Action aid ({aid}) was already deleted.") self.structure_change() src = self.actions[aid].src it = self.out_iteraser(src) next(it) while it.curr != aid: next(it) it.erase()
[docs] def actions_for_state(self, s): """Return iterator of actions available for state `s`.""" it = _ActionIter(self.actions, self.succ[s]) return it
[docs] def out_iteraser(self, s): """ Return iterator of actions available for state `s` that allows action removal. """ it = _ActionItEraser(self, s) return it
[docs] def state_succs(self, s): """Return successors of `s` over all actions""" succs = set() for e in self.actions_for_state(s): succs = succs.union(e.distr.keys()) return succs
[docs] def get_dot(self, options=""): from . import dot dwriter = dot.consMDP2dot(self, solver=None, options=options) return dwriter.get_dot()
[docs] def show(self, options="", targets=None, max_states=None): from IPython.display import SVG from . import dot if targets is not None: t_strings = [str(t) for t in targets] t_str = f".T{{{','.join(t_strings)}}}" options += t_str if max_states is not None: options += f".<{max_states}" return SVG(dot.dot_to_svg(self.get_dot(options), mdp=self))
def _repr_dot_(self): return self.get_dot() def _repr_svg_(self): from . import dot return dot.dot_to_svg(self._repr_dot_(), mdp=self)
[docs]class ActionData: """ Holds data of an action in ConsMDP. The defining attributes of an action are: * source state `src` * consumption `cons`, * the successors probability distribution `distr`, * the action `label` The attribute `next_succ` is used to keep a nested linked-list of actions with the same `src`. """ def __init__(self, src, cons, distr, label, next_succ): if not is_distribution(distr): raise AttributeError("Supplied dict is not a distribution." + " The probabilities are: {}, sum: {}".format (list (distr.values()), sum(distr.values())) ) self.src = src self.cons = cons self.distr = distr self.label = label self.next_succ = next_succ
[docs] def get_succs(self): return set(self.distr.keys())
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.src}——{self.label}[{self.cons}]——>{self.distr}"
class _ActionIter: """ Iterate over linked list nested in a given List. Expect that the items stored in `outer_list` contain field `next_succ` which contain integers that are indices in `outer_list` where new successor can be found. Assumptions =========== * List `outer_list` is indexed from 1 * `item.next_succ == 0` means last item of the linked list (`succ`) Parameters ========== * outer_list: list of items containing `next_succ` fields. Indexed from 1. * start_index: (int) index in `outer_list` of the first element of the nested list that we want to iterate. """ def __init__(self, outer_list, start_index): """Constructor method - _ActionIter class """ # TODO check for types self.outer_list = outer_list = start_index def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if == 0: raise StopIteration() if >= len(self.outer_list): raise IndexError("{} ".format(self.outer_list) + f"{}") else: item = self.outer_list[] = item.next_succ return item def is_empty(self): return == 0 def get_last(self): a = None while not self.is_empty(): a = self.__next__() return a def __len__(self): c = 0 while not self.is_empty(): a = self.__next__() c += 1 return c class _ActionItEraser(_ActionIter): """ Iterate over outgoing edges of `s` and allow erasing edges. Expects an consMDP `mdp` and state index `s`. The function erase erases the current action and moves to the next one for `s`. """ def __init__(self, mdp, s): """Constructor method - _ActionItEraser class """ super(_ActionItEraser, self).__init__(mdp.actions, mdp.succ[s]) self.curr = None self.prev = None self.s = s self.succ = mdp.succ self.mdp = mdp def __next__(self): self.prev = self.curr self.curr = return super(_ActionItEraser, self).__next__() def erase(self): if self.curr is None: raise ValueError("Can't erase before moved to 1st edge. " "Call self.__next__() first") self.mdp.structure_change() self.outer_list[self.curr].next_succ = self.curr if self.prev is None: self.succ[self.s] = else: self.outer_list[self.prev].next_succ =
[docs]class ProductConsMDP(ConsMDP): """ CMDP with states that have two components. We call the two components `orig_mdp` and `other`, where `orig_mdp` is some ConsMDP object and other can be arbitrary domain, for example deterministic Büchi automaton, or upper bound of some integer interval. The `orig_mdp` and `other` store pointers to the objects of origin for the product mdp (if supplied). The function `orig_action` maps actions in this object into actions of the source ConsMDP object. Similarly, `other_action` works for the other object (if makes sense). """ def __init__(self, orig_mdp, other=None): super().__init__() self.orig_mdp = orig_mdp self.other = other self.orig_action_mapping = {} self.other_action_mapping = {} self.components_to_states_d = {} self.components = []
[docs] def add_action(self, src, distribution, label, consumption, orig_action, other_action = None): """ Create a new action in the product using (src, distribution, label, consumption) and update mappings to `orig_action` and `other_action`. :param src: src in product :param distribution: distribution in product :param label: label of the action :param consumption: consumption in product :param orig_action: ActionData object from the original mdp :param other_action: Value to be returned by `other_action` for the new action. :return: action id in the product """ # pa: product action pa_id = super().add_action(src, distribution, label, consumption) pa = self.actions[pa_id] self.orig_action_mapping[pa] = orig_action if other_action is not None: self.other_action_mapping[pa] = other_action return pa_id
[docs] def get_state(self, orig_s, other_s): """ Return state of product based on the two components `(orig_s, other_s)` if exists and `None` otherwise. :param orig_s: state_id on the original mdp :param other_s: state of the other component :return: id of state `(orig_s, other_s)` or None """ pair = (orig_s, other_s) return self.components_to_states_d.get(pair, None)
[docs] def get_or_create_state(self, orig_s, other_s): """ Return state of product based on the two components `(orig_s, other_s)` and create one if it does not exist. :param orig_s: state_id on the original mdp :param other_s: state of the other component :return: id of state `(orig_s, other_s)` """ p_s = self.get_state(orig_s, other_s) if p_s is None: return self.new_state(orig_s, other_s) return p_s
[docs] def new_state(self, orig_s, other_s, reload=False, name=None): """ Create a new product state (orig_s, other_s). :param orig_s: state_id in the original mdp :param other_s: state of the other component :param reload: is state reloading? (Bool) :param name: a custom name of the state, `orig_s,other_s` by default. :return: id of the new state """ if name is None: name = f"{orig_s},{other_s}" new_id = super().new_state(reload=reload, name=name) pair = (orig_s, other_s) self.components_to_states_d[pair] = new_id assert len(self.components) == new_id self.components.append(pair) return new_id
[docs] def orig_action(self, action): """ Decompose the action from the product to the action in the original mdp. :param action: ActionData from product (as used in for loops) :return: ActionData from the original mdp """ return self.orig_action_mapping.get(action, None)
[docs] def other_action(self, action): """ Decompose the action from the product onto the second component, if defined. :param action: ActionData from product (as used in for loops) :return: value supplied on creation of `action` (if any), or None """ return self.other_action_mapping.get(action, None)
### Strategies ###
[docs]class Strategy: """ Abstract class that implements the interface for strategies (see the docstring for the `` module). It handles the checks for outcomes and alternation of calls to `.next_action` and `.update_state`. Calls to `.next_action()` and `.update_state(outcome)` should alternate unless `next_action(outcome)` are used exclusively. """ def __init__(self, mdp, init_state=None, *args, **kwargs): self.mdp = mdp self._current_state = None self._current_action = None self.reset(init_state, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def next_action(self, outcome=None): """ Pick the next action to play :param outcome: sid (state id) or `None` (default `None`) `outcome` must be a successor of the action picked by the last call to `.next_action()`. If defined, update the current state to `outcome`. :return: action to play """ if outcome is not None: self.update_state(outcome) if self._current_action is not None: raise WrongCallOrderError("The outcome of the last action is not " "known. Supply it using the `outcome` " "parameter or using the function" "`strategy.update_state(outcome)`.") self._current_action = self._next_action() return self._current_action
[docs] def reset(self, init_state=None, *args, **kwargs): """Reset the memory and initial state for a new play.""" self._current_action = None self._current_state = init_state self._reset(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def update_state(self, outcome): """ Tells the strategy that the last action picked by `next_action` was resolved to `outcome`. :param outcome: sid (state id) `outcome` must be a successor of the action picked by the last call to `.next_action()`. """ # Only run checks if this is not the first call to update_state # The first call basically sets the initial state if self._current_state is not None: if self._current_action is None: raise WrongCallOrderError("`strategy.update_state()` must be called" " after `strategy.next_action()`.") if outcome not in self._current_action.distr: raise ValueError(f"The outcome {outcome} is not a valid successor " f"for the last action picked by this strategy. " f"The list of possible outcomes is " f"{list(self._current_action.distr.keys())}.") self._update(outcome) self._current_action = None self._current_state = outcome
def _next_action(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _reset(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def _update(self, outcome): pass
[docs]class CounterStrategy(Strategy): """ Counter strategy tracks energy consumption in memory and chooses next action based on the current state and the current energy level. This class implements the memory and its updates. The selection itself is delegated to `selector`. The attributes `capacity` and `init_energy` are needed to track the energy level correctly. The implementation is suited to use CounterSelector as `selector`, but can take anything that implements `select_action(state, energy)`. """ def __init__(self, mdp, selector, capacity, init_energy, init_state=None, *args, **kwargs): super(CounterStrategy, self).__init__(mdp, init_state, init_energy=init_energy, *args, **kwargs) self.capacity = capacity self.selector = selector def _next_action(self): return self.selector.select_action(self._current_state, def _update(self, outcome): """ Unless called to set the initial state, update energy by substracting the consumption of the `_current_action`. If `_current_state` is a reload state, recharge to full capacity before the substraction. """ # Don't update energy on the first call if self._current_action is not None: if self.mdp.is_reload(self._current_state): = self.capacity -= self._current_action.cons def _reset(self, init_energy=None, *args, **kwargs): """Reset the memory to `init_energy`. Throws away the previous history. *args and **kwargs are ignored. """ if init_energy is not None: = init_energy
[docs]class CounterSelector(list): """ CounterSelector selects actions based on given state and energy level. Counter selector is a list of SelectionRules extended by: * pointer to the corresponding mdp, and * 2 functions for updating and accessing actions to be taken: - update(state, energy_level, action) - select_action(state, energy) """ def __init__(self, mdp, values=None): """ ConsMDP `mdp` is where the selector picks actions. `values` can be a list of dicts with the values for the selector. """ self.mdp = mdp self._init_selector(values) def _init_selector(self, values): num_states = self.mdp.num_states if values is None: for s in range(num_states): self.append(SelectionRule()) else: assert len(values) == num_states assert len(self) == 0 for rule in values: self.append(SelectionRule(rule))
[docs] def update(self, state, energy_level, action): """ Update the action for given `state` and `energy_level` to `action`. `energy_level` is a lower bound of an interval for which `action` will be selected by `select_action`. Raises ValueError if `product_action` is not an action of `product_state` """ if action not in self.mdp.actions_for_state(state): raise ValueError(f"The action {action} is not valid for the state " f"{state}.") self[state][energy_level] = action
[docs] def select_action(self, state, energy): """ Return action selected for `state` and `energy` """ return self[state].select_action(energy)
[docs] def copy_values_from(self, other, state_subset=None): """ Replace values for given `state_subset` by values from `other` counter selector. If `state_subset` is not given (or is None), replace values for all states. """ if state_subset is None: state_subset = range(self.mdp.num_states) for s in state_subset: self[s] = other[s].copy()
def __copy__(self): """Return a shallow copy of the CounterSelector""" res = type(self)(self.mdp) for i, rule in enumerate(self): res[i] = (rule) return res def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): from copy import deepcopy """Return a deep copy of the CounterSelector""" res = type(self)(self.mdp) for i, rule in enumerate(self): res[i] = (deepcopy(rule)) return res
[docs]class ProductSelector(dict): """ Selector suited for ConsMDPs whose analysis requires a product ConsMDP. It combines the approach of CounterSelector with decomposition of the product states and actions into the original components and works for selection even after destruction of the product MDP. The intended use is as follows. For a MDP called `orig` and some `other` object, we build `product` MDP. The analysis of `product` calls `ProductSelector.update()` with states and actions belonging to the product MDP. For selection of the next action, `ProductSelector.select_action` should be called with `orig_state` and `other_state` that belong to `orig` and `other` and no translation from/to product states is needed. Indeed, the translation happens directly on update. In short, based on information what action should be picked in a product (supplied using `update), ProductSelector selects actions of the original mdp (at the time `select_action` is called). It is implemented as 2-dimensional dict (other × orig) to SelectionRules. The reason for dicts instead of lists is that the product can be sparse. """ def __init__(self, product_mdp: ProductConsMDP): self.product_mdp = product_mdp self.orig = product_mdp.orig_mdp self.other = product_mdp.other super(ProductSelector, self).__init__()
[docs] def update(self, product_state, energy_level, product_action): """ For given state of product with components `(orig, other)` update the selection rule for `selector[other][orig]` with `rule[energy]=action` where `action` belongs to `orig` and corresponds to `product_action`. energy_level` is a lower bound of an interval for which `action` will be selected by `select_action`. Raises ValueError if `product_action` is not an action of `product_state` """ mdp = self.product_mdp if product_action not in mdp.actions_for_state(product_state): raise ValueError(f"The action {product_action} is not valid for " f"the state {product_state}.") orig_state, other_state = mdp.components[product_state] orig_action = mdp.orig_action(product_action) orig_selector: dict = self.setdefault(orig_state, {}) # rule = selector[other_state][orig_state] rule = orig_selector.setdefault(other_state, SelectionRule()) rule[energy_level] = orig_action
[docs] def select_action(self, orig_state, other_state, energy): """ Return action selected for `orig_state×other_state` and `energy`. """ try: rule: SelectionRule = self[orig_state][other_state] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"There is no selection rule for the pair " f"(orig_state, other_state) = " f"({orig_state},{other_state})") return rule.select_action(energy)
[docs] def copy_values_from(self, other, product_state_subset=None): """ Replace values by values from `other` ProductSelector. If `product_state_subset` is not given (or is None), replace values for all states. Otherwise, replaces only those values that correspond to the given states from the product. """ if product_state_subset is None: product_state_subset = range(self.product_mdp.num_states) for s in product_state_subset: orig_state, other_state = self.product_mdp.components[s] orig_selector: dict = self.setdefault(orig_state, {}) orig_selector[other_state] = other[orig_state][other_state]
def __copy__(self): """ Return a shallow copy of the selector. The shallow copy creates new instances of both dimensions of the dictionaries, but reuses SelectionRules. """ # Don't run ProductSelector's constructor in case product_mdp is # already deleted res = super(ProductSelector, self).__init__() res.product_mdp = self.product_mdp res.orig = self.orig res.other = self.other for other, selector in self.items(): res_sel = res.setdefault(other, {}) for orig, rule in selector: res_sel[orig] = rule def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): """ Return a deep copy of the selector. The deep copy creates new instances of both dimensions of the dictionaries and also creates new SelectionRules. """ res = super(ProductSelector, self).__init__() res.product_mdp = self.product_mdp res.orig = self.orig res.other = self.other for other, selector in self.items(): res_sel = res.setdefault(other, {}) for orig, rule in selector: res_sel[orig] = rule.copy() def __repr__(self): res = "===ProductSelector===\n" for mdp_s in sorted(self.keys()): for aut_s in self[mdp_s]: res += " " res += f"{mdp_s}×{aut_s}: " res += self[mdp_s][aut_s].__repr__() res += "\n" return res+"=====================\n"
[docs]class ProductSelectorWrapper(CounterSelector): """ Selector suited for ConsMDPs whose analysis requires a product ConsMDP. The `ProductSelectorWrapper` is a wrapper around `CounterSelector` built for the product and the `ProductSelectorWrapper` translates the states of the product into their two components `(state, other_state)` and back. The same applies to actions. The main purpose of the selector is to provide interface that is accessible without the knowledge of the product. Therefore, it selects actions based on: * state of the original mdp (before product), * state of the other component, and * energy level. The actions returned by `select_action` are actions of the original mdp. """ def __init__(self, mdp: ProductConsMDP, product_selector=None): super().__init__(mdp=mdp, values=product_selector) self.mdp = mdp
[docs] def select_action(self, state, other_state, energy): p_s = self.mdp.get_state(state, other_state) p_a = super().select_action(p_s, energy) return self.mdp.orig_action(p_a)
def __copy__(self): """Return a shallow copy of the ProductSelectorWrapper""" res = ProductSelectorWrapper(self.mdp) for rule in self: res.append(rule) return res def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): """Return a deep copy of the CounterSelector""" return ProductSelectorWrapper(self.mdp, product_selector=self)
[docs]class SelectionRule(dict): """ Selection rule is a partial function: ℕ → Actions. Intuitively, a selection according to rule φ selects the action that corresponds to the largest value from dom(φ) that is not larger than the given energy level. For dom(φ) = n₁ < n₂ < ... < n_k and energy level e the selection returns φ(n_i) where i is largest integer such that n_i <= e. """
[docs] def select_action(self, energy): """Select action for given energy level. :param energy: energy level :return: action selected by the rule for `energy` :raise: `NoFeasibleActionError` if no action can be selected for the given `energy` """ candidate_interval, candidate_action = -1, None for lower_bound, action in self.items(): if energy >= lower_bound > candidate_interval: candidate_interval, candidate_action = lower_bound, action if candidate_action is None: raise NoFeasibleActionError(f"No action is feasible for energy " f"level {energy}") return candidate_action
[docs] def copy(self): return self.__copy__()
def __copy__(self): return SelectionRule(self) def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): res = type(self)() for k, v in self.items(): res[k] = v return res def __str__(self): """ Print each rule as a line iof the form `interval: action.label`. """ keys = sorted(self.keys()) records = [] for i, k in enumerate(keys): # Get the bounds of the intervals lower = k upper = keys[i+1] - 1 if i < len(keys) - 1 else None # Print l+ for the unbounded interval if upper is None: records.append(f"{lower}+: {self[k].label}") else: records.append(f"{lower}{upper}: {self[k].label}") records_str = (',\n ').join(records) return "{\n " + records_str + "\n}"
[docs]class NoFeasibleActionError(Exception): pass
[docs]class WrongCallOrderError(Exception): pass
[docs]class PickFirstStrategy(Strategy): """Class for testing and presentation purposes. Always picks the first available action of the CMDP. Does not track energy and does not give any guarantees. """ def _next_action(self): actions = self.mdp.actions a_id = self.mdp.actions_for_state(self._current_state).next return actions[a_id]
[docs]class Simulator(): """Class for simulating a strategy object on a ConsMDP. Picks actions based on given strategy for `num_steps` of simulation steps and stores the state and action history for further analysis. Interface allows for extending simulation and resetting given instance using `simulate` and `reset` methods. """ def __init__(self, strategy, num_steps=0): self.state_history = [strategy._current_state] self.action_history = [] self.strategy = strategy self.simulate(num_steps)
[docs] def simulate(self, num_steps): """Continue the simulation for additional `num_steps` steps.""" for step in range(num_steps): action = self.strategy.next_action() next_state = self._next_state(action) self.strategy.update_state(next_state) self.state_history.append(next_state) self.action_history.append(action)
[docs] def reset(self, init_state=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Prepare a new simulation with the same strategy. The arguments are passed to `strategy.reset` functions. We can thus change the initial state or the initial energy in the case of Counter strategies. If no init_state is given, the previous initial state is reused """ if init_state is None: init_state = self.state_history[0] self.strategy.reset(init_state, *args, **kwargs) self.state_history = [self.strategy._current_state] self.action_history = []
def _next_state(self, actionobj): sum_prob = 0 rand = random.random() for k, v in actionobj.distr.items(): sum_prob += v if rand <= sum_prob: return k